Wednesday, April 30, 2008

More and More research...

As I searched the Internet more using I found medline plus which connected me to a lotmore information about hostile home environments. This site said that child abuse isn't just physical it is also emotional. Children need love and support. Emotional abuse is the most damaging abuse known. Ridiculing and name calling can do some harm to a child in the long run. It can effect a child's self-esteem and self-image and the ability to function well in society(medline plus). These children feel as though they dont matter so, they have a problem making friends and relating to their peers including taking their selves out of activities with other children. Other things also take place such as bed wetting. But one thing that I kind of learned from medline plus is that the reason why many children are mistreated is because their parents where mistreated as youngsters. And if parents knew that they were doing this they would probably want to stop it because they didn't enjoy it growing up but on the other hand some parents know that they are doing it but don't care because they were treated that way. Medline said that visiting a physican or clegryman would start to help the problem which relates to my BIG question

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

intro on initial reflection


Pollution is when water,air,or land becomes very dirty and unsanitary. Pollution can come in four different types effecting different parts of the world.Air pollution effects the air and what we breathe.Land pollution effects the land and environment.Water pollution effects the water and the aqua marine life.Noise pollution can effect our hearing.what I know about pollution
is that it can be very harmful and it can possibly damage the earth severely. I feel that in the next 10-20 years ,if we cannot reduce the amount of pollution then the world may suffer some difficulties to our society.Pollution can affect our standard way of life.This doesnt affect me, it affects everyone living.Pollution can spread and contain viruses and diseases that can spread which is not a positve factor.Pollution is leading to an unhealthy place.

What interested me in this topic is that nobody think pollution is really important in are life, and that it isn't harmful. MYbig qustion to the people is How many ways can wee cause pollution? What methonds can we use to decrease it? in order for me to answer these questions i would have to answer my foundation questions to help me do a better research on solving my problem.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Shumeli, Sandra. "Flash Mob Craze Spreads." 08/08/2003 04/21/2008 .

"Global Warming." Wikipedia 4/21/2008 4/21/2008 .

Tyree Doggett

Friday, April 18, 2008

What I found as I researched hostile home environments

My topic is about hostile environments and as I searched the Internet I found a counseling type website. On this site i found a blog by a girl named Diane, her father raped when she was 10 years old and she accidentally reported it to her therapist. DYFS got into the matter and her father was removed from the home. From reading this blog she seems said and she included that her mom doesn't even believe her. Her mother lets her father come back and he hates her with a passion. Making her life as miserable as he can by causing many problems because he knows that the mother is on his side. Feeling so miserable and helpless she doesn't know what to do but take her own life. Diane says that she is scared to call child protection because she might end up in a foster home. This is crazy and she happens to be a victim of a hostile home environment what can we do to help her overcome this tragedy??

Diane. "revealed abuse, parents now hostile." [Weblog readers question] 03 august 2007. 23 Apr 2008 .

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Introduction to hostile home environments

It has come to my attention that many children are living in hostile home environments. The type of environment that their parents might be in jail and have abusive foster parents, children have been raped, abused, parents suffer from drug addiction or some parents can care less if their kids live or die. Because of these reasons I am very interested in this topic. It is a problem that can effect the future of the these innocent children. They deserve a chance to live better and have a shot to become somebody important in life. And I believe that there is a solution out there to help those who have suffered from these hostile home environments.
I knew a couple of things about hostile home environments before. chidren that go through this can either make or break them. They can become troubled, confused or cold hearted or they can learn grow from the exprience and become stronger. I know that for some children its hard to overcome the abuse. So what can we do to help those who has suffered these hostile home environments? What is the definition of hostile environment? How can a hostile home environment play a big role in a child's life?

How Do Undiscliplined Youth Disrespect The Elderly?

I first knew respect was gone when i talked back to my mother and nothing happened. I told my mother ''no i dnt feel like doing that''. I felt that i was in the wrong,she tell me to do something, i stop what i'm doing and do it.A feeling of right and wrong. As i was growing up my grandfather taught us(children,grandchildren) respect. My grandfather used discipline to gain respect from his do something wrong, would have gotten them a beating you could remember. A green rubbr hoes,with the seriously expression on his face would put fear in you.The fear meaning he is the boss and will always be in charged.With great power comes great respect.
Respecting someone or their class as an elderly person has changed. Each generation has lost the respect issue for others.Kids feel that they are the future and they could do what they want.The parents may be some part of the problem of why the youth today are the way they are.Back in my mothers time, if they were to do something wrong discipline would let you know what you did and why you cant do that.Respect is a priveleged
Shumeli, Sandra. "Flash Mob Craze Spreads." 08/08/2003 04/17/2008 .

"Global Warming." Wikipedia 4/17/2008 4/17/2008 .

Maleik Bailey, Kaeria King